Local Opportunities

The Redstone Chapter of the American Helicopter Society (AHS)
The Redstone Chapter of the American Helicopter Society (AHS) invites collegiate applicants for Science and Engineering Scholarships for the 2016-2017 School Year. Scholarship grants are based upon academic merit and other factors and will be awarded to the best-qualified applicants as determined during a selection process scheduled for May 2016. Depending upon endowment income, the value of each scholarship may range from $2,000 to $4,000. Additional eligibility information and the application can be found at our website, http://www.ahsredstone.org/scholarships.html
Deadline for submittal of applications is April 15, 2016. Questions can be directed to Pat Gomez, Scholarship Chairman, at (256) 430-3888 or Email: AHSRedstoneScholarships@gmail.com